Preventive Health Checks

Preventive health essential part of General practice. it is not limited to only health assessment and GP management plan but also includes your heart checks, weight management and skin checks.

1. Skin Checks:

Skin checks done with aid of Dermocope to early diagnose of melanoma and other skin lesions like Basal cell carcinoma, Squamous cell carcinoma etc.

We also provide sun Protection Advice, Skin Cancer Excisions and Cryotherapy (freezing) of skin lesions

Calculate your risk of skin cancer by answering following question on the site


2. Heart Checks with ECG and early referral as required

3. 45–49-Year-Old Checks

Our aim is to promote preventative health to 45-49 years old because this may be your first health check and first step towards your future health. Early detection and prevention can improve the outcome.

This health check is bulk billed and assessment includes:

Weight / height / Abdominal circumference and calculation of BMI and give appropriate advice / referral to maintain healthy BMI.

Blood Pressure Checks and Diabetes risk assessment

Screen / Review of chronic disease and routine medications

Immunisation review

4. Diabetes Risk Assessments for 40-49 Year Old’s

5. GP Management Plans / Team Care